What to read and watch at "Covid19 Stay Home" days

There are two ways to learn, by listening and seeing. The subject of the blogs you will read on this site are books and movies. What to read, What to watch?.. Our exercise and eating habits are very important during this period when our movements are restricted. New blog posts such as technology, exercise, healthy meals and travel are coming soon.

3 Thinks We really in need during Covid 19!

We are all at home because of the virus. We are all at home like never before. We are all at home on the computer as never before, too! We all had hunchback, neck pain.. 3 things you need to work from home.

Contact your loved ones.

Hear and talk to each other well..

Sit Back and Relax

It will help maintain the natural curve of the spine. Comfortable support for back and neck pain. Will definitely be worth it.

The meaning of the computer is your office, work and network.

Keep your hand strong on these days when we enter the digital age.

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Menus of Sultans and Kings.
What would you eat if everything was yours?

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The best way to train your brain. As a moment, you will cease to be yourself and embark on a journey that you don't know the end of as a new hero.

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Watching the finished work is easy and enjoyable. inspirational viewing angles can take you far away

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Healthy brain comes from healthy body. The most important point is that it is daily exercise!.